
It’s great to be able to look at each of your own campaigns and see the results of your planning but do you know which of your campaigns have the best results overall and how do you compare against other organisations?

Decaid ran the DARS attrition survey for the PFRA from 2008 to 2013 and this has provided us with a lot of data to measure face to face campaigns against across the years. As we work with more charities we are building up our own series of benchmarks for campaigns that we analyse that are recruited by face to face and also by other methods (including lotteries, DM, telemarketing, online, etc).

  1. Benchmark your own campaigns
    By looking at the attrition levels of your campaigns we can provide you with a benchmark report that compares the different campaign dynamics over the years, across different providers and different recruitment methods.We can add in the cost of recruitment and create a report that shows you exactly which methods and campaigns have performed best in terms of numbers recruited, income raised and ROI over the long term.The report also looks at the attrition levels and can pinpoint payment points where donors have cancelled in larger numbers helping you to decide where best to put your donor communications.This report is most effectively done following a donor analysis when we are confident that the data is clean and all processing has been checked.
  2. Industry Benchmarking
    We work with industry umbrella bodies to establish a benchmark for the medium they represent. Working with the PFRA we established the DARS report which ran for 6 years up to 2013 and we are currently working on a Lotteries benchmark for the Lotteries Council.If you are a member of an umbrella body and think that this could be of benefit to your members please get in touch.


Please get in touch for a no-cost, no-obligation demonstration of how we can help you deliver up to a 10:1 return on investing in donor retention & development.