Donor Journeys

Communicating well with your donors is essential to maintain their enthusiasm for your cause and to help them to see how their donations are being used.

All too often there is a lot of planning done around donor recruitment with very little thought or money put behind the ongoing communications that these donors will receive. Without a plan from the start there is a risk that donors receive standard communications that are irrelevant to the message that they were recruited on and don’t inspire them to continue donating.

Evidence is building that creating customised journeys for regular giving donors can significantly enhance their experience and increase income.

We can help you to plan and deliver your communications in a way that will inspire your donors, save you time and help you to manage costs.

  1. Donor Journey Workshop
    We can run a half or full day workshop that looks at the principles behind good campaign management and communications, explores the messages and media you are using and develops a plan for communicating with your donors on an ongoing basis.We will work with you to develop communication plans for regular givers, new cash donors, ongoing cash donors, event participants and any other groups that you want to plan for.We will leave you with a flow chart showing the donor communications you have decided to deliver and help you to work out how they will be delivered.
  2. Donor Journey Delivery
    Managing the delivery of communications to regular giving donors is complex, particularly if you want to deliver messages based on the number of payments made and not just on an irregular basis.We can manage the process for you and deliver text messages, video embedded emails, print on demand postcards, letters and newsletters and telephone calls. This is all managed through our DARMS database and all you need to do is to send us your payment files every month.

We work with you to develop the donor journey in a workshop, you create the communications and leave the rest to us.

  • Reactivations and Upgrade calls
    Through our partnerships with telephone agencies we can manage your programme of reactivation and upgrade calling either as part of a donor journey or as a stand-alone campaign.



Please get in touch for a no-cost, no-obligation demonstration of how we can help you deliver up to a 10:1 return on investing in donor retention & development.